Micah attended Louisiana State University, where she was a four-member and a two-year captain of the nationally-ranked LSU Tiger Girls. While in college, she began teaching and choreographing for local teams and studios, particularly in the jazz and contemporary categories. She also contributed choreographically to the Tiger Girl’s 2015 and 2016 jazz nationals routines. Micah was a member of the LSU Honor’s College and graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance, now working full-time as a Financial Analyst.

After graduating, Micah continued with choreography, working with high school & college dance teams and competitive studios, including her home studio – where she is a regular instructor and choreographer. Her entertaining and creative choreography has received several Choreography Awards at national conventions & competitions and has earned many top-ten finishes at both UDA College Nationals & NDTC. She loves that she is able to continue pursuing her passion for dance alongside her professional finance career. Micah is passionate about creating a high-quality piece for dancers and is excited to continue her choreography career with Tribe 99!